Friday, October 1, 2010

What does it mean if you have weird purple sores in your mouth that don’t go away? (Female, 17)

Based on the little history provided, you may have a canker sore. Canker sores are very shallow painful sores in the mouth. They are usually red or purple and sometimes have a white coating over them. Canker sores often occur on the inside of lips and cheeks, base of the gums and underneath the tongue. Canker sores are different from the cold sores (fever blisters) which usually occur on the outside on the lips and along the corners of the mouth. Another name for canker sores is aphthous ulcers.

Anyone can develop canker sores but they are most common in young females. Canker sores often run in families but are not contagious. The cause of canker sores is not known but may perhaps be related to stress, poor nutrition, food allergies or the menstrual cycle. There is unfortunately no cure for canker sores and most disappear spontaneously in 7-10 days. If there is moderate to severe pain, one may take an over the counter pain pill. There are also a number of creams sold over the counter that can help protect the canker sore from getting further irritated when you drink, eat or brush your teeth.

There is no way of preventing canker sores from occurring. However, one can reduce the irritation in the mouth by avoiding hot spicy foods, not chewing gum or smoking. It is recommended that one use a soft toothbrush and maintain good oral hygiene. If your canker sores are painful or recurrent, speak to your family doctor for more assistance.

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